human walking path

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gods and goddesses 8 380 by gods and goddesses
Aug 22, 2012 12:52:35 GMT -6


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human walking path
A winding path that takes the walker through many twists and turns. The path is made of gravel rather than the hard tar substance that thew humans use in their neighborhoods. Cats of all kinds like to walk along this path as long as there are no humans in sight, just to watch the trees as they sway in the breeze and watch as the sun lights up the gold oaks around them, making everything shine with beauty. The Human Walking Path is a path used by humans very often. They bring their pets out here including both cats and dogs to enjoy the fresh air and to get them away from the stuffy air found back in their homes. There are benches along the path that they may use to rest on, but not many choose to seeing as it is an easy, nice walk for most humans and especially for cats. There is quite a prey in here, hiding among the trees for shelter.
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