a windy field

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Activity Check #1
gods and goddesses 8 380 by gods and goddesses
Aug 22, 2012 12:52:35 GMT -6
newBookmarkLockedFalling Restlessness (Open)
Nefertiti 4 217 by Nefertiti
Aug 8, 2012 18:45:19 GMT -6


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a windy field
A large, open piece of land unclaimed by anyone. The grass sways in the uneasy breeze, feeling strength from the sunlight that pours over the land. The land is rich in prey, scurrying across the open field, feeling safe among the tall, uncut grass, unaware that predators lurked. The place is not always calm since rains are a common thing around this area, but there is still something besides the prey that draws cats out here. A large clear field, cats come out here enticed by the prospect of easy prey that seems to gather and breed here all the time. Even in the cold winter months, this place seems flowing with prey. There is an abandoned old human farm, a place where most mice actually do breed. That very farm is where a lot of cats go to hunt, get fat, and even stay the night. Even though it has been abandoned a long time, it still holds a lot of warmth and is in good condition.
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