hidden water cave

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Activity Check #1
gods and goddesses 8 380 by gods and goddesses
Aug 22, 2012 12:52:35 GMT -6
newBookmarkLockedFalling morphine (araignée/aspen)
araignée 12 261 by araignée
Aug 9, 2012 7:08:51 GMT -6


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hidden water cave
A cave so hidden that only The Tribe and their gods shall ever know where it is placed. Deep in the middle of a huge canyon, the cave is dark on the inside and stinks of illness. The Tribe, known for casting those who shift forms that would make them prey, sends such odd cats into this cave to await the winter months. Then when the cold comes and prey is driven deep underground, The Tribe comes here for their meals. As soon as the first cat that shifted into prey came around and the gods made the idea okay to eat such cats, The Tribe, placed those cats into this cave to breed as the please, and await the day they might be turned into prey for the more fortunate cats. Some cats choose to come here merely to terrorize the 'prey cats' just so they have something to do. Greenery grows on the outside of the cave with a small path leading up to the cave, covered on both sides by water. Legends as it that if a prey cat tries to leave, they will be sunk under and killed by the torrent.
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