pointed mountain range view

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gods and goddesses 8 380 by gods and goddesses
Aug 22, 2012 12:52:35 GMT -6


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pointed mountain range view
The mountains rise high in the distance, showing the power of the gods. Although the mountains themselves are not within the territory of the tribe, they will always stand as a reminder that there is no-one more powerful than the gods. This is a large opening in the tree with a cliff in front of the cat staring out. In the distance, the mountain range on the loner lands are seen clearing and show the beauty of the land. They sometimes makes cats wonder what life as a loner is like but the mountains always remain as a reminder that even as a loner, you will never escape the god's might. Some cats of the tribe have even been taught to believe that the mountains are there to serve a purpose to keep cats in the tribe. Some believe that the influence of the mountains keep cats quaking in fear at the thought of leaving the tribe and to stand in the wrath of the gods they betrayed.
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