human houses

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gods and goddesses 8 380 by gods and goddesses
Aug 22, 2012 12:52:35 GMT -6


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human houses
Built by the hands of those who lost the god's favors, the homes are built compacted into each other with little space for them to breathe. Pets of the humans find the tightness of the homes a bit nice since it allows them to keep in contact with each other much easier, sometimes they don't even leave the safety of their nice, cozy homes. This is merely a neighborhood created by the homes, again once their knowledge of such construction grew and hey understood how to build such things. Most of the homes are simple, with a two-story lay-out and steps leading up to the door from the street. Trees within the neighborhood are rare and pets have to travel outside the neighborhood if they truly wish to have some fun in the real wilderness like their natures should have them do every now and again.
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