* golden oak

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gods and goddesses 8 380 by gods and goddesses
Aug 22, 2012 12:52:35 GMT -6


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* golden oak
Large golden branches and leaves rising high into the sky. The sun's brilliant rays seems to make the tree glow brighter than anyone could imagine. Prey lay thick around the tree, drawn in by the tree's wonderful scent, only to be caught off guard when a cat strikes them when their back is turned. Odd things are rumored to happen at the tree and no cat can feel truly safe here. The Golden Oak is a sacred home to the Trickster god of Wiltran. The Trickster loves to hide in the shadows of the trees, messing with the cats that visit his beloved place and makes them feel like the prey that they are to him. Only those he is a patron to feel at home in this place, but even those cats still feel a bit uneasy around the massive oak tree.
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