betrayal cliff

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gods and goddesses 8 380 by gods and goddesses
Aug 22, 2012 12:52:35 GMT -6


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betrayal cliff
A place where betrayal in The Tribe is known to show themselves in a new light. Legend has it that once a curse has been placed on a cat of The Tribe, once they are transformed into a human, they will find themselves at this cliff in the Pointed Mountain Range, a range that goes so high into the sky you can clearly see it from The Tribe lands. A dark presence seems to radiate here and humans always feel an unnatural connection with this place. The cliff is known by the loners as being a place where humans love to gather. Outside the Human Houses and the Human Walking Path, this is where humans seem to come just to relax and talk. Many of the bring their pets out here to relax in the sun, even in the cold months of Winter because they feel a rush of adrenaline here for reasons they don't understand. At the same time, cats who are not owned by humans try to stay away from this place because of a dark power that they feel radiating from the very Earth below their feet and they can't fully understand why it'd there. Trees grow a bit further off the cliff, but the cliff itself is unstable and some have died adventuring too far out.
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